
all is clear...

...on my front, these days. in other words, there's not a whole heck of a lot going on in my life right now. my daily routine is (typically) to get up in the mornings around 9 or 9.30am - yes, i am slightly ashamed of this so you need not get uppity about it - do my stuff in the house (you know, my Housewife-in-Training things...laundry, dishes, making beds, etc), eat some lunch, and then head to my new hangout, the Princess Konditori. AKA the Princess Bakery. i go there every day, take my you-will-be-glared-at-and-hated-out-of-this-place-if-you-don't-take-one number, get my latte-in-a-glass (that's how they serve them here, weird), and sit and journal and read my bible. then i go pick up the kids, play with them for a million hours outside cause seriously, they've just now gotten to where they love me and want to play with me all.the.time. i love it, and yet i cannot express how sick i am of jumping on the trampoline...although i suppose it justifies my new minimal cardio circuit training workout i'm doing?

after lots of searching and deliberation and discussion, i finally booked my flight and and hotel for my trip to Malaga, Spain/Tangier, Morocco. should be an interesting trip, as i'll be BY MYSELF for the first 3 days...i'm actually really looking forward to spending the time with just me, myself and i. it was a huge relief to get at least the first portion of the trip taken care of - my hotel in Malaga is definitely not the Hilton, but it met my two requirements of being 1) on the beach and 2) close to the airport. all the really good hotels were like, 100kilometers away from the airport! paying for that in Euros would've been, oh, i don't know, my food budget for the week? while we're talking money, though, i managed to book my flight and hotel for 3 nights - which includes breakfast and dinner - for $542 USD. by the way, when i came to Sweden, $1 was equal to almost 7SEK...now it's $1 for 5.9SEK. only good thing i can see there is that i'll be sittin' good when i come home, if i can manage to save a few dollars...

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