

i'm on my way to my spin class - LOVE these, everyone should try them - but i had to share this recipe for a mango salad that i love to make, and the best part of it? it's healthy.

mango salad

- 2 mangoes
- 2 avocados
- ½ or 1 red onion (depends how much you like these, i only use ½)
- 1 carton of cherry tomatoes, halved
- 1 'plant' of cilantro (or stalk, or however it comes in the US. i forget.)
- ½ jar of basic salsa

chop up the mangoes, avocados, onion, cilantro and tomatoes. mix in a bowl. add ½ the jar of the salsa (more or less, also depends on how you like it).

and that's it! it's so simple, so fresh, and a perfect side to fish or grilled chicken. and i promise you - it sounds gross, but it is good.

i made goat cheese and spinach lasagna this weekend, too. can you believe it?? i've been a cookin' fool. my stepmama would be proud. oh - and i also ate TWO candybars yesterday. it was my cheat day and i don't care.

oh - there's a rainbow outside right now, and it is the most BRILLIANT one i've ever seen in my life! absolutely neon colors....amazing.

anyway. off to spin.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Do you remember when I would make those "love childs?" The cottage cheese, peanut butter, and kashi mix...it sounded so gross, but tasted pretty good. That is probably how this sounds to most people. Although I must say It sounds refreshing, but I don't know if I could do the whole raw onion thing...thinking of a substitute....