
i think she'll need a band-aid...

this little booger here?

...gave me the SCARE of my life yesterday. like, horrible, bad, shook-me-up-for-hours scare.

so, i'm watching the kids while annelie is out playing golf, and i'm up in the kitchen emptying the dishwasher. the kids were all downstairs in the family's lower basement playing in the theater room. typical.

all of a sudden, i hear a bloodcurdling, 'SEANNA!!!!'

well. if you're a mom, or ever watched children, when you hear a kid scream like that...it's like your blood freezes and suddenly you're in overdrive; on a one-track mind to GET TO THE KIDS. i race down to find them, practically falling down the stairs, and Kasper meets me in the hallway, his eyes as big as pies. i start frantically asking, 'What?? What? What's wrong?'

he tries to tell me what is wrong, but he's so shook up that the poor thing couldn't even get it out in English, but all i heard him say was 'Klara, Klara...'

i'm still on my trek to the basement (it's actually a good distance from the kitchen) and i can hear klara screaming and crying. my heart is absolutely pounding at this point. i bust into the room and my heart drops -

my sweet little 5 year old is sitting on the floor crying, and her whole entire face is covered in blood. her hair is matted with it, it's on her clothes, it's everywhere. i scoop her up and am trying to find out what happened as i run her upstairs, blood just dripping all over the place.

getting her up to the kitchen, i locate the wound - on the corner of her forehead, and it is gushing blood. i'm trying to get her to tell me what happened, but she said she didn't know what it was 'in English'. how thoughtful of her...although at this point i think i probably would have understood in Swedish. she stops crying and actually settles down, and i'm putting on wads of paper towels on her head to try and slow the bleeding, but it isn't working.

call Annelie, can't get ahold of her. the bleeding isn't stopping, so i do the only thing i can think of...run over to the neighbors. they've got 3 kids themselves, and actually had a similar crisis about a month ago. the dad sees me running up the yard, also covered in blood and holding a crying child, and immediately runs over and takes klara from me.

klara's settled down (i think she was actually in shock) and is telling them what happened, and it turns out that this family's 5 year old daughter was playing with klara in the basement and pushed her as she was standing on the couch. klara then fell off and hit her head on the corner of the table.

these wonderful parents end up taking klara to the emergency room and i had finally gotten ahold of annelie at this point, so she was going to meet them. in the end, it turned out that they only had to glue her wound together (did anyone else know they did that?!?) and put a Band Aid on it.

so, klara came home from the doctor with a band aid and a popsicle, and she was just fine, thank God.

my favorite white shirt i was wearing? notsomuch.


Stephanie said...

It's the best stuff ever. Basically superglue, but marketed medically as DermaBond, so they can charge more. I was always SO glad when a kids' wound could be glued because stitches are a bugger when kids are trying to attack you. I've seen a 2 year old need 4 adults to restrain them.

Glad she (and you, minus the shirt) are ok. PS: hydrogen peroxide your shirt and use cold water to wash it. Best thing to get blood out.

Bobbie said...

Good things she didn't loose a fingertip lie the kid in my class!