
this is pitiful.

as i write this, i'm sitting in the terminal pictured above, which is actually Stockholm's main train station. no, i'm not going anywhere...I'M JUST USING THE INTERNET. cause we don't have it at our house right now. that includes a working telephone line.

(sounds like i live in the ghetto, or the boondocks. however, i live just 5km from Stockholm...but because the area that we live in is slightly rural in that it's on a lake and a dirt road, apparently the internet and the phone service has a tendency to get interrupted. don't even get me started on the service providers complete lack of service. another thing i hate, hate about Europe).

see, i've noticed that, the more and more my time winds down here, the more and more i could care less to be here. this reflects nothing of my life here, or my family, or anything, and has everything to do with the fact that i've got a case of 'senioritis', or 'au-pair-itis'. i'm absolutely itching to get home. so what do i do? spend all my time on the internet looking at jobs, places to live when i get home, making plans to meet up with friends, etc.

the fact that i'm having to use the Internet at the train station this morning has put me in an I HATE STOCKHOLM mood. i cannot even express how freaking annoying it is that coffee shops - coffee shops, for the love of God - don't open until 11am here. please just imagine my disbelief when i took the train and walked through town at 8AM to find one. i ended up at McDonalds, the only place open. i ordered a bagel and coffee and prayed that the Internet would work. nope...so then i walked, and walked, and walked and finally someone recommended that i try the train station.

good thing i have church in 45 minutes, cause i NEED an attitude adjustment....


Stephanie said...

Hey babay. If it makes you feel any better, I have had the same issues because my computer has started malfunctioning and deciding it can't read it's own wireless card. So, now I'm ghettofied with an outside wireless card, a la 2001. Oh, and my start button fell off, so I have to tap the actual computer software to shut it off. Super.

Annie said...

who gets coffee at 11:00 am? every person on this planet should be well caffinated at that time. 24 days and counting....